Climbing back up on the horse
Last week I started boot camp and training again since my fall a few weeks ago. You would think it would be easy to jump back in. It was not; my day back at boot camp I was very excited to jump back in, but my body was not. Damir set up the boot camp so there were 3 area’s with 4 stations in each area. My first stop was burpees of course, as I started I noticed I was very nervous about dropping down and I did my first set slowly. Now I am not sure if Damir notice but when I was done he mentioned that in he was adding burpees to each area and I would be starting with burpees in each area. By the end of the class I was doing them like I normally do.
On Tuesday I walked into 2110 fitness for my training session, and I noticed a Big Ass Tire in the middle of the floor. As I got changed I was worried the tire was going to make an appearance in my session. After I got changed into my gym gear, I bumped into fellow Alive member Sheenah, as we got caught up one of the Trainer from 2110 came over to the tire we were standing beside, got excited to see it and dropped down and picked it up very smoothly. As he put it back down, Sheenah asked him how much it weighed? His replied was 300lbs. I started to smile, because I was sure we would not be lifting the tire. Ryan arrived and Damir went through what are session was going to be. It was all weight training; now I think I was really smiling... no tire. As always, I forgot that Damir has that special power of reading me like a book. Just as I was about to start he says” but, before you ladies start I want to see if you can lift the tire” All that was in my mind was “FUCK!!” Ryan went first he dropped down and struggled, but he got it up. Now it was my turn, now I am thinking I am not going to be able to do this. I squat down and only get it five inches off the ground. Oh well I tried. Both sessions were all weights & Cardio.
Wednesday and Saturday’s kickboxing boot camp was a lot of fun. My new Partner Sandra was awesome she pushed me hard and when she saw I was struggling a little with my wrist when I did the burpees with my boxing gloves on, she helped come up with something else for me to do. Also she made me laugh all the way through the class it was awesome!!
This week has started off with a bang, before boot camp on Monday I got together with Sandra and played catch for about 45mins. It was awesome!! Then boot camp was very intense. I think I may have had another first as I did push ups on my toes for the first time.
Now the last few weeks Kim cut my calories down quite a bit, I was not exercising as much or as hard so it made sense. Now this week she adds a few more than normal. Just looking at the new rotation on Monday, I knew Damir was going to go crazy and turn it up a notch. Now day one was today, but Damir thought day one was yesterday. So yesterday’s session was insane, in the first 5mins he had my heart pounding out of my chest. It was the fastest I have ever got to the puking stage. Of course my first exercise on his crazy mini circuit was Burpees; I asked if he meant dirty burpees, his response made me cringe, “Brian from now on when I say burpees I mean dirty burpees for you”
On my 5th round of burpees I noticed Damir moving the Big Ass Tire onto the fake grass. As I finished with the burpees and other three exercises in the set, I am thinking “here we go, another tire workout, and this tire is much heavier. And I can’t even lift the dam thing”
As I take a small breather to catch my breath I see what the tire was for, Ryan and I are going to swing the Big Ass Tire back and forth. Ok now I am thinking I could do this, what is the most we will do pass it back and forth 10 times, so I start us off, pass it to Ryan, at this point I am thinking this is not that bad, he catches it and passes it back to me. it was like being hit by a linebacker it came down hard and very fast. After we had passed it back and forth about 20 times I drop it and before it even hits the ground I knew exactly what Damir was going to say “Brian Burpees now” which he did back. So back at it we go after Ryan and I have passed it back and forth 50 times we moved on the next thing in the circuit. After the first round we go back to the Big Ass Tire, and of course Drop it again and do burpees. while i am doing burpees Ryan picked it up off the ground with ease. So now I am thinking there is no way am I not going to do it as well? During our break before out last round I get my chance! Damir knocked over the Big Ass Tire by mistake and went over to pick it up, I piped up no let me try. He stopped and I could tell he was debating it in his head, but I insisted, so he got out of the way. I squatted down and I put my hands under it as far as could to grab on. And I lifted it up off the Fake Grass it was awesome!! The last round right flew by. As Damir put stuff away he asked “Was today, day one of adding more calories?” I answer “no tomorrow is” that when he said “oh shit, today’s workout Was supposed to be about that” he smiled and walked away. Now this is very scary, if he can see I can do what I did yesterday on very little calories, What is he going to through at us tomorrow!!
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