Damir’s Circuit of Doom
Ok now I must say Damir is on fire, our training sessions have been on an entire different World. Now I think he knows my cardio is not at the same level as it was at alive, so he is kicking the shit right out of Ryan and me! Last summer we did a circuit outside with a giant tire. Our workouts now make the giant tire circuit feel like the good old days.
Tonight we arrived early, so I hopped on the elliptical because I don’t like watching Damir set up the sessions, because as he sets it up and if I see what he is thinking I tend to cringe at stuff I don’t like. I prefer not to have time to think about what is coming.
He set up a circuit that I am going to call “Damir’s circuit of doom!” At first glance I thought it was going to be an easy session, but I was wrong!! The first exercise was ropes, some call the ropes “ropes gone wild” I say there is nothing wild about the ropes. The rope was tied to the weight sled so when we were done playing with the ropes, you had to Squat and pull the sled up to you. Then push the sled back! Next we did plank rows, 15 each arm. Then it was off to the Ball slam.... I love the ball slam!! Next it was what I am going to call “the punch in the face”; it was like last week with the green ball full of water. This time it was a red roll full of water. Again I popped it up in the air like Damir said and it came down on my face and my neck. It really sucks!!! Next it was Dirty Burpees.....yeah Baby!! Gotha to love those. The TRX rows were next, that was supposed to be the last one, but Damir threw in Squat clean and press.
After the first set, Damir said let’s do it again, but this time we will add and a pull, push with the sled!!So I start going hard on the ropes and pull, push. That’s when it hit me this whole session is going to be this circuit. So I take my time pulling back the sled, of course Damir notices and yells lets go Brian!! So I turn it back up, and pound off the push pulls, Plank rows and ball slam. I started with the dam water filled roll and bang I figure it out, pop the roll up like you would bump volleyball. It worked!! I thought holy shit I did it right!! I pound off the rest of that set pretty quickly.
As I finish the second round, I went to sit and grab water my heart was just pounding in my head. Damir said something to me, but all I heard was “wha wha wha wha” ... so I got up and started my next round as I picked up the ropes, Damir said 3 times now with the sled!! I smiled and started with the ropes, and gave it my all on the next three stations. That is when my heart felt like it was coming right out chest. But I pushed on as hard as I could because I Was thinking it was the last round. After I finished I went and sat and grabbed my water bottle. Damir says lets go Brian we are doing five rounds today! As I walk over to the ropes I am thinking I am not going to be able to do this again my heart is just pounding hard! I do the ropes and I start pulling the sled, now I am having a hard time pulling it back, then something someone said earlier in the day slipped in my head I don’t know why, but it did. “This is where we separate the boys from the men!!” That is when I get this second wind I did not think I had. So I pound off the sled and I just go full tilt on the Plank rows and Ball slams! As I picked up the red roll filled with water, which is when my body had something to say, and bang I vomit in my mouth, and swallow. After that it seemed to become easier. So I finish the fourth round and as I start walking to my water bottle Damir say right away Brian you only have to do the sled a fifth time. So I pound off the sled and I must say it was an amazing feeling to finish the circuit without really bitching about it. Like I said Damir is on fire!!!
I can already feel my body stiffening up! I hope I can Walk tomorrow!!
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