Bring it on again
Tonight’s training session was very insane, as I was getting ready for my session Damir ask “What do you boys want to do tonight?” Before my training partner could answer I got a great big smile on my face and said “the Treadmill workout we did last week” Damir looked at me with a very surprised look as I am sure he thought I was going to say Kickboxing..... I always say kickboxing. I am not sure but I think he said “really or maybe seriously” it is possible he did not say either of those things, it may have just been what his look was saying it. So I piped up “Really....BRING IT ON” he replied “oh am going to bring it!!”
Now if remember from my “rules to surviving personal training” post, rule number 10 was never say “Bring it on” to your trainer, so I have just broke that rule. There are consequents to breaking that rule. I have done it in the past, but I am now in much better shape then i was the last time i said that. So this session was insane!
I decide that I would start on the treadmill as I was thinking that last Tuesday’s session the hard part of the set was the treadmill. I will get that over with first. So I jumped on the treadmill and I started to jog. On the treadmill beside me was Diane, she has not been at alive for a while so she has not seen me run yet. I was almost done my first set on the treadmill and I felt this poke in shoulder, I jumped off and Diane Said “oh my you are running on the treadmill now, that is awesome” I said “Thanks” and finished up on the treadmill. So I was done with the treadmill and I started up the hallway to the back of the gym, and Damir was at the end of the hallway with the Lebert buddy system in his hand and wrapped it around me and said “Sprint down the hallway.” I ran as fast and as hard as I could down the hallway, it was the fastest I think I have ever gone up that hallway pulling him. We went down and back, when I came back I stop to catch my breath, Damir Said “lay down on the bench” I said “one sec let me catch my breathe” he Said “no break, lay down” I got on the bench and handed me 2 45 pound dumbbells to do the chest press. I banged them off and stood up and he popped the Lebert buddy system around me and said sprint. I paused to catch my breath and he yelled “Go Brian” I ran again as hard as I could up and down the hallway. Now normally in Damir’s sessions you don’t do the something more than twice in a row, so I gave it my all think that was the last time I will be sprinting up the hallway. I was wrong!
As I workout I go through several stages, Stage 1 my heart is pumping I am start to sweat and the pain starts, usually in my legs. Stage 2, my heart is pounding in the front and in the back of my head, the pain has disappeared, and I am high as a kite. This is my favourite stage! Stage 3 I vomit, I have been here more than a few times, so I can usually swallow it. Now before tonight I have never gone past stage three, normally after I vomit I slip back into stage 2. But tonight I went through stages 1, 2, and 3 in the first 10mins. So as I got on the treadmill for the second set, a new stage appeared. After jogging for about 4mins I started to get a stitch in my right side, I have not really felt this before so I stepped of the treadmill to catch my breath, as I did that Damir appeared and ask what was wrong, I told him and he said “what speed were you going when you got the stitch” I said “3.2” he put the treadmill back to 3.2 and said “get back on and finish” I got back on and finished. I got off the treadmill and found Damir at the front. As I walked up front Damir Said “ ok Rest” He must have just told Kim that I experienced my first Stitch, Because she piped up and said “Wait he gets to just rest when he has a stitch” and Damir Said “no, you’re Right, Brian walk up and down the hallway with your hands on your head.”
As I walked up and down the hallway with my hands on my head I was think well at least we are not doing sprints. I was so wrong about that it!! So unbelievably wrong!! As I came back up the hallway with my hands on my head I think it was the third time, Damir was standing at the end of the hallway with that Dam Lebert buddy system in his hand.
He wrapped it around me and said “Run” I ran up and down the hallway as hard as I could, which brings us to another new stage. Stage 5, Now I think Kim calls this stage “in the zone” but for me it more like seeing red, I can’t feel any pain, I am feeling very, very, high and I don’t really remember much at this stage. What I do remember is after that set I saw Kristy coming up the hallway and I stopped and put my arm around her and said “ I Love You” she look at me with her OK puzzled look on her face. That is when I added “I just wanted you to know that in case I don’t survive this session” after that which I am sure was the half way point of the session. I don’t remember much, But Kristy has told me I was yelling a bit and so was Damir!
What I have learned from this is that I love that kind of session where Damir pushes me way past my Limits, oh and I learned Again don’t say BRING IT ON!! Unless I am ready for a real ass kicking!!
You were more like screaming like a little